Clinical Pathology
What am I Looking at?! Simplify your Life by Using the Cytologic Algorithm: The cytologic algorithm is the foundation to cytologic evaluation. In this session, we will cover this organized approach for interpreting what you’re seeing under the microscope, including how to identify and interpret inflammatory patterns as well as neoplastic cells. We also will cover what features indicate that a neoplasm is benign or malignant, as well as which scenarios don’t follow the general cytologic rules
Ten Common Skin Neoplasms: This session will include a discussion of the ten most common skin cytologies the speaker comes across in practice. This does not indicate that these are truly the most commonly occurring skin lesions, as there will be some selection bias as to what is submitted to the pathology lab for review. We will review the features that allow for cytologic diagnosis of these pathologies.
Why is my Patient Anemic? Unlocking Clues in the CBC and Blood Smear: Making sense of the CBC and blood smear findings relies heavily on the recognition of patterns and how they develop in response to pathology in the patient. In this session, we will explore the mechanism and causes of anemia in cats and dogs and how patterns in the CBC and blood smear aid in determining the cause of the anemia.
Cytology From the Trenches: When the Microscope Cracked the Case: In this session, we will explore 5 mystery cases encountered in practice where the answer lurked under the microscope. Cases presented are meant to demonstrate practical applications of cytology in veterinary medicine and emphasize the importance of performing cytology. Cytologic features of the pathologic processes will be discussed for each case.
Dr. Kate Baker grew up in Nashville, Tennessee and completed her DVM at the University of Tennessee in 2012. She then went on to complete a small animal rotating internship and then a clinical pathology residency and Masters degree at the University of Illinois. Dr. Baker became board certified in 2016. Her professional passion is creating resources and experiences for veterinarians to learn and thrive in practice. Dr. Baker is the founder and CEO of Pocket Pathologist, and VetHive. She lives on a small farm in Tennessee with her husband and two small children.
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