NOW HIRING: Licensed Veterinarian We are seeking a passionate and dedicated Veterinarian to join our team. The ideal candidate will thrive in a positive environment and demonstrate a commitment to serving low-income families and their pets. Who we are: Since 2016, Neighborhood Pets has been providing equitable access to pet care and other resources in…

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One Health Organization is asking veterinarians to accept ​​vouchers from ​One Health Family ​Member​s​ ​to allow pet owners to pay for essential veterinary care for their pets. For more information about the Veterinary Payment Program, visit, contact Dr. Anna M. van Heeckeren at 216.920.3051, or send an email to

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Who can attend meetings?

All are welcome to attend the Cleveland Academy’s CE meetings. Veterinarians who are not members of the academy are always welcome to attend the meetings.  Fees for non-member veterinarians are $100.00 pre-registration, $125.00 at the door, while our members receive a discount on the meetings and are also invited to our annual Holiday Party. Students and…

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Who is eligible to be a member?

The Cleveland Academy membership is composed solely of veterinarians. Veterinary technicians, hospital staff members, students, and industry representatives are always welcome to attend meetings.  However, they are not considered members of the academy. If you would like to become a member, please click here.

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